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To the Editors:

In three months we ring in 2008 and a new budget for the Village and needs addressed “now.” We must increase our revenue, but how?

We are an island surrounded by a beautiful park, an asset to us and many others coming to enjoy our rural, small town atmosphere. They require expenses that we 699 residents, 250 households, and 13 small businesses cannot afford. Therefore, we all must go after the Auditor, County Executive, and elected officials to increase the percentage of our real estate tax dollars returned to this Village. I have talked with them. They all agree we need and deserve more. They suggest local levies be readdressed and directed to the Village. Please write, call, or use whatever influence you can to help.

We certainly do not wish to sell out to developers nor should we and lose all. Our Planning Commission is effectively addressing these issues. They are doing a good job which takes time, study, and the National Park’s helping.

The first much needed change in the Zoning Ordinance comes before Council in November. Be there!

I and others are exploring cost cutting without losing our few services. Give us your ideas.

Some facts: Total real estate tax values: $20,600,000; taxes collected: $1,300,000 we receive 7.12%, $112,243; the Fire District with much needed support from others plus $200,000 surplus, receives $136,000, 1.75% more; Woodridge: 51.6%, $743,000 (Note how few students really come from the Village); Summit County: 14.6%, $255,000 and what do they do for us? These figures must be adjusted.

Send your comments and questions to

Robert Hunker