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To the Editors:

All of America is focused on the election and ruined economy. How did it happen? Realistically, both parties did it because neither really work “for us and the good of our country.” President Washington championed for diverse representation of three or more parties. Now there are two with a wide aisle between them.

Reflecting on the October Council Meeting, I realized that unfortunately the same mentality is here in Peninsula. Our Mayor and too many Council members do not care or represent the residents and their Long Range Plan to preserve our historic small town devoted to family living to walk the streets, the canal, and the Cuyahoga Valley.

I was chastised by another Council member because I fight to preserve our historic district with mandated sandstone sidewalks, trees, natural environs, and riparian concerns. So I keep addressing that the Road Department ignores State and County regulations for ditches and riparian management.

Each Council member is made responsible for a Village function to obtain information and suggestions and report to the citizens, Mayor, and Council. Am I to ignore all other issues because I am Buildings & Grounds? No, I am responsible to manage the Village per the Long Range Plan. We must be objective working as one. We are a non-partisan Village and should be indivisible. Ignoring the riparian and Historic District must end; finances must be addressed; and take advantage of the resources provided by the National Park.

The Mayor refuses to attend Planning Commission meetings although is required as a voting member; and to sign three agreements with the Park for funding. He claims that we do not have funds to wait for reimbursement upon project completion. But we do have the funds for this and to finish the sandstone sidewalks. We have over $10,000 that I saved on Town Hall stone restoration. Unfortunately most has gone to repair road equipment.

If we do not participate we will lose all funding, a tragedy since we are the only local community of 390 National Parks to receive this assistance for which Superintendent Debo fought to help us.

It was erroneously reported that residents wanted the sidewalk, south side of Main and Canal replaced. A hurried resolution narrowly passed to do so ignoring the historic sandstone mandate and previous resolutions to include it with the completion of the Main Street project including the very dangerous area at Peninsula General Store (Yellow Creek) east to the Log Cabin. In fact, the calls were concerning this area left unfinished for three years. Since we have the grant and funds it must be completed.

Take action – Write letters – Come to Council. Do not be intimidated!

Robert L. Hunker