Every man has a
right to his opinion,
but no man has a
right to be wrong
in his facts.

Bernard Baruch
September 2011 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 9

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SEWER PROJECT: As reported in the July issue of YCN the Trustees had until August 9th to agree to partner in a JEDZ agreement with Cuyahoga Falls in order to receive funding for the design of a sanitary sewer on Season’s Road in Cuyahoga Falls going north to Suncrest Gardens. Funding would be from Cuyahoga Falls, a block grant, with the balance coming from the Department of Environmental Services. As stated previously the agreement includes the approval of a master zoning plan which at the present time has not been created. The Trustees have not been included in discussions between Hudson, Stow and Cuyahoga Falls with regards to the JEDZ. Cuyahoga Falls is quick to respond that Boston Township has not contributed any funding for the JEDZ or the sewer design. What they neglect to tell you is that since the first income tax collection in October 2006 Cuyahoga Falls has the benefit of over $337,000 in income tax revenue that has be generated in the current JEDD agreement. None of these funds have been used by Cuyahoga Falls for the benefit of the JEDD area. Throughout the JEDD collection period the JEDD agreement allowed for a 3% collection fee. The collection fee had not been instituted until February 2011 allowing Cuyahoga Falls to collect and additional $1,503. As a contingency of accepting the JEDZ agreement the Trustees asked that the 3% fee be removed. As of the September 14th Trustee meeting the fee was still being collected.

SENIOR SNOW PLOWING: The Trustees will once again be offering this service. If you were on the list last year you will automatically receive an application. If you are new to the program please call Amy at 657-2439 and an application will be sent to you. Senior Snowplowing is NOT paid for through a grant. It is part of our general fund.

WEBSITE: Visit our website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330- 657-2015, Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.