Our children live
in a nation where
terror attacks are
the new norm.

Phillip Morris
April 2013 VOLUME 30 NUMBER 4

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NEW JEDD: The Trustees expect to have a final contract ready for the newly created EAD at their April 24 meeting.

ZONING: The Trustees accepted the resignation of Paul Baker from the zoning commission and thanked him for his years of service to the community. Todd Liebenauer was named as his replacement. Paul Kaczmarski has accepted a position on the BZA. Paul served as our zoning inspector for many years and we are very happy to have him back. There are still alternate positions available for both zoning boards. Please contact one of the Trustees if you are interested.

WETMORE ROAD AND OAK HILL ROADS: Summit County Council has given 60 more days for review of the Wetmore Road issue. Even though the Township cannot afford to repair Oak Hill Road, and it will probably never reopen, Summit County Council denied a request to vacate the road.

HAZARDOUS WASTE RECYCLING: The hazardous waste recycling center located at 1201 Graham Road will be open Thursdays from June 6 to September 26 from 2:00PM until 8:00PM. For more information go to Summitreworks.com.

RECYCLING CONTAINERS: The Trustees approved a contract modification with Kimble that will provide 64 gallon single stream recycling containers for Township residents.

BRUSH PICKUP: Begins May 6 and continues the first Monday of the month.

WEBSITE: Visit our website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015, Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.